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Intro to Power Query, Power Pivot & DAX
Getting Started
Course Structure & Outline (1:22)
IMPORTANT: Versions & Compatibility (3:15)
Introducing the Course Project (1:16)
DOWNLOAD: Course Resources
Setting Expectations (1:53)
Intro to "Power Excel"
The "Power Excel" Workflow (3:50)
"Best Thing to Happen to Excel in 20 Years" (8:18)
When to use Power Query & Power Pivot (0:44)
QUIZ: Intro to "Power Excel"
HOMEWORK: Intro to "Power Excel"
Connecting & Shaping Data with Power Query
Introduction (0:27)
Meet Power Query (aka "Get Data") (2:40)
The Query Editor (3:17)
Data Loading Options (1:40)
IMPORTANT: Updating Locale Settings
Basic Table Transformations (8:06)
Text-Specific Tools (10:17)
Number-Specific Tools (7:41)
Date-Specific Tools (7:39)
PRO TIP: Creating a Rolling Calendar (5:02)
Adding Index & Conditional Columns (7:44)
Grouping & Aggregating Data (7:10)
Pivoting & Unpivoting (8:52)
Modifying Workbook Queries (4:18)
Merging Queries (7:43)
Appending Queries (5:49)
Connecting to a Folder of Files (9:32)
Power Query Best Practices (2:44)
QUIZ: Power Query
HOMEWORK: Power Query
Data Modeling & Normalization
Introduction (0:28)
Meet Excel's "Data Model" (3:38)
Data vs. Diagram View (2:33)
Database Normalization (4:14)
Data Tables vs. Lookup Tables (5:40)
Relationships vs. Merged Tables (2:07)
Creating Table Relationships (6:54)
Modifying Table Relationships (2:06)
Active vs. Inactive Relationships (3:55)
Relationship Cardinality (5:46)
Connecting Multiple Data Tables (5:59)
Filter Direction (5:08)
Hiding Fields from Client Tools (4:59)
Defining Hierarchies (3:53)
Data Model Best Practices (1:38)
QUIZ: Data Modeling 101
HOMEWORK: Data Modeling 101
Power Pivot & DAX
Introduction (0:29)
Creating a "Power" PivotTable (5:27)
"Power" Pivots vs. "Normal" Pivots (2:48)
Intro to Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) (1:12)
Calculated Columns (8:39)
DAX Measures = Supercharged Calculated Fields (2:24)
Creating Implicit Measures (1:59)
Creating Explicit Measures (AutoSum) (7:08)
Creating Explicit Measures (Power Pivot) (7:42)
Understanding Filter Context (9:18)
Step-by-Step Measure Calculation (12:06)
RECAP: Calculated Columns vs. Measures (2:29)
Power Pivot Best Practices (1:50)
QUIZ: Power Pivot & DAX 101
HOMEWORK: Power Pivot & DAX 101
DAX Formulas & Functions
Introduction (0:27)
DAX Formula Syntax & Operators (4:05)
Common DAX Function Categories (3:54)
Basic Math & Stats Functions (12:45)
HOMEWORK: Math & Stats Functions
Logical Functions (IF/AND/OR) (16:49)
Text Functions (10:53)
HOMEWORK: Logical & Text Functions
The CALCULATE Function (14:39)
Adding Filter Context with FILTER (Part 1) (9:20)
Adding Filter Context with FILTER (Part 2) (14:23)
Removing Filter Context with ALL (9:06)
Joining Data with RELATED (3:39)
Iterator ("X") Functions: SUMX (12:20)
Iterator ("X") Functions: RANKX (5:33)
HOMEWORK: Iterator Functions
Basic Date & Time Functions (4:58)
Time Intelligence Formulas (17:02)
HOMEWORK: Time Intelligence
Speed & Performance Considerations (3:02)
DAX Best Practices (2:03)
QUIZ: Common DAX Functions
Wrapping Up
Introduction (0:53)
Data Visualization Options (4:35)
SNEAK PEEK: PowerBI (5:55)
More from Maven Analytics
HOMEWORK: Time Intelligence
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